Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Worst Things in the World

There are many really bad things in this world:
  1. Disease
  2. Global Warming
  3. 2 Weeks of Vacation (as HR policy)
  4. People who illegally park in the handicap space
But if there were a top 10...One of the worst things (in my humble opinion) would definitely be CNN COMMENTS.

I know what you're thinking: puh-leeze (cue eyerolling and head shaking).

But I'm serious. Sometimes, I read the comments section and literally TEARS come to my eyes. What is wrong with us?! I like to believe that the people commenting on CNN news articles are wackos. But I have to wonder: am I peering deep into the heart of a nation?

For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies (Matthew 15:19)

I was reading the article about Sarah Palin, the one where she writes a letter from God regarding her son's Down Syndrome. If you haven't read it click here.

There is an excerpt that CNN likes to share, that's all about what we consider "perfect." But if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the article, the entire letter is there, and what struck me is that there's almost a refrain in the letter and it is:

I only want what's best for you!

Sounds a lot like Romans 8:28 to me!

You know how people say "give it to God" and everyone is like "...ummm, what does that even mean?!" I think it means this. trusting in the sovereignty of God. In trusting that He does what's best for you, even though that's a hard pill to swallow sometimes. This chick is COPING. But the haters have to have their fun. They have to have their day. So this is my paraphrased summary of the types of comments I've seen:

1. She's an emotionless fraud; these are not her words...because she couldn't muster up this much emotion for her own child.

2. Let's lash out at this poor defenseless baby! For kicks!

Check out the screen name on that last one...I mean HOW HATEFUL can you get? There are so many other issues. People lashing out at God (if Sarah has coped...why are YOU--stranger--upset?). People lashing out at other people's comments. I can't even bring myself to sift through more comments. It's too hateful.

Hate is the Worst Thing.

1 comment:

  1. that's nuts! things like that- realizing how broken this world is- really break my heart. trig is a lucky baby to have such a loving mother, who loves him exactly for who he is.
