Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Night In

I haven't posted in a while. But I don't really have a huge I'm sure no one is bothered. In any case, as a brief update: my life has been a little topsy turvy. I'm moving again. Bah! I think I might move more than chess pieces. I've never moved twice within a 60-day period! I'm so ashamed, I didn't even ask my friends for help. I just hired movers. Also, the transitions from my old OLD home, and my old job have not been as smooth as I would like. I forgot that transitions suck. There is much to be said for "same old, same old." People say that phrase as if its humdrum and lame. This is dangerous and untrue. "Same old, same old" is victory. That's right: VICTORY. "Same old, same old" means I haven't been fired, evicted, robbed, dumped, played, tricked, or ultimately murdered. See? "Same old, same old" is good. I don't have "same old, same old." I have new crap.

However, I know that in 3 - 6 months, I'll have new routines that will lull me into a new false sense of stability and security. Don't get me wrong, there are some legit stabilizers out there: God. Your family. Yourself. However, I often build my stability on my home, my job, and my friend groups. As the WHOLE world knows, this is the epitome of "building your house on sand." So...the "rains" have definitely come and washed me out a few times. You would think that given this knowledge, I would stop "building" full-fledged houses, but rather make a shanty or a "lean-to." Some temporary dwelling that I'm less invested in...but we all have our patterns.

I've been kind of experiencing this "Murphy's Law" type existence for the past couple of months, and since everything is going wrong, I'm trying to apply Psalms 20 to my life these days. Especially, Psalms 20:7 - Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. Replace "chariots" with "job", and replace "horses" with "people." That's me!

Anyway, it's Friday...and I'm doing my favorite Friday night activity: NOTHING (recall my feelings concerning Friday night by clicking here...I clicked and realized I've lost about 60% of my humor. Sadness.) But I was sitting here, reading blogs, saw a poem...and decided to write a poem about my Friday night chill. Then I decided, I'd share it. Good luck to you readers, I hope you don't go blind or fall asleep:

It’s Friday night, but I’m not seeking Friday’s light
Because the day’s fight ends in surrender to my chill
Wherein I can get my fill of lounging, and of allowing
Myself some time to recline on the bed that’s mine and
Think…just think…I don’t need to go out for a drink,
Because I’ve spent the week waiting; it’s been a 5-day-countdown
To the very intoxicating pleasure of my own Company, I’m so into me,
Spent the workday waiting to surrender its insanity
To the calming oasis of my chill, where breezes don’t rush over windowsills
But rather over my heart, cooling down the issues that made it stop and start
Too fast for me to breath easy, ever since Monday I’ve been wheezing
But in my chill...the air is ridiculously fresh and I can exhale the rest
Of the madness that exists beyond it boundaries:
Those people, those things…they’re not here with me
Because time is sacred within my chill.

No formatting. No time for that. It's time for me to watch movies, read books, and otherwise disconnect from reality. Happy Friday!

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