Monday, May 24, 2010

I feel LOST...

Hi Blog,

Last night was the series finale of LOST.

(moment of silence)

I have to tell you...I've cried more than a few tears over the past 22 hrs. I may have even cried a little in my sleep. When I awoke, the pillow was wet. Could have been drool, but I think it was my subconscious weeping for the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 and the things they suffered, the lives that were lost. I like to think I was moved by the fact that grabbing onto the love and the sadness that was helped them let go of the reality that could never be (eyes welling up).

It was truly an awesome show and I am proud to say that I have seen every episode. EVERY episode. 6 years. Ever since I was old enough to drink (i.e. 21) I've been drinking Locke's kool-aid. And it has been good.

Except...what was that light? Why couldn't we at least know that much?!

In other news, someone told me they are going to try to live a "life of excellence" for the month of June. And I think I will attempt this. I'm not sure how I'm going to do this, but I will try to chronicle it in my blog. I know it entails such things as:

1. No oversleeping.
The plan is to set my alarm to sound at 6:30 thinking I'm going to:

  • Immediately pray (10 min)
  • Read my bible (at least 2 - 3 chapters should take 20 min)
  • Go for a run (1 hr)
  • Return home, shower, change (40 min)
  • Run out the house, get in the car (2 min)
  • Talk to Mom for the drive into the office (8 min)
  • Seated at my desk at 8:55

This plan has a 5 minute cushion built in. There was about a month where I had this routine DOWN. Now it's in tatters.

2. Cleaning

I have to clean. I went to Lake Anna this past weekend, and woke up at 5am (prior to getting on the road) just to clean my kitchen. I did this because I didn't want to be welcomed home on Sunday night by creepy mold and really bad ANGRY smells. Given how sad I was about the end of LOST, that just would have been demoralizing. I mean, my SAFE place, would have smelled like death. Like the death of broccoli florets, blueberries, and Trader Joe's strawberries (I will never buy produce from there again!).

That's all I have for now, but I will add more things to my excellent living, and will keep you posted. Good night!

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