Saturday, May 29, 2010

Snip, Snip, OH SNAP!!

Well, today I got my haircut. Long story short: I'm not feeling it. It's weird, though because I'm torn. Here are the issues:

1. I'm proud.

I've been pussyfooting around getting a haircut for a LONG time. I've been so afraid to cut it, because I've been told a few times that my best assets are my hair and my butt. My hair and my BUTT?!?! That's kind of demoralizing. Especially when I view those "assets" as liabilities.  In any case, I got over my fear of the haircut by getting the haircut. And of that, I am seriously proud.

2. Pride aside though...

I hate this haircut. I have to hype myself up and psyche myself up just to look in the mirror. I find myself saying things like "it's just hair," and "it'll grow back" A LOT, and it's only been a few hours.

3. Even though it'll grow back...

It's the length that remains that is getting on my nerves. I feel like it doesn't belong. I actually like the front. I'm tempted to call, make another appointment for TOMORROW (yes, they are open on Sunday!) and have her cut off the back. Take the length off, shave it up a little, add more, shorter layers, re-roller set it, and BOOM. But then, I bet I'll feel bald. I think having it  cut an impulsive corrective move. Maybe this will grow on me (no pun intended), so I'll give it 2 weeks before I make any new decisions.

4. But I do want it to grow back...

My first purchase post haircut? GNC Hair vitamins. These pills are HUGE; but supposedly, it works. I'll let you know how that works out for me. Also, everyone is talking about this Dominican conditioner called "Emergencia." Well...I'm definitely experiencing an emergencia, so it's worth a try. This will require hardcore discipline. I'm thinking two months of GNC, Emergencia, and PERFECT diet and exercise should gain me back like 2 of the 5 inches I lost today.

This really just cements my decision NOT to attend my high school reunion. 


  1. Confession - I've just now started catching up on your posts. Further confession - I did not notice your hair was any shorter. Silver lining - you posted this a month ago. Your hair looked the same length. Ergo, the GNC worked.

  2. HAHAHA! No, I was having dinner with a friend on Monday (this past Monday) who said: Hey! Did you get your hair cut?

    So GNC = FAIL.
