Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Snip, Snip, OH SNAP! Part Deux

For those who were readers of my blog back in the day...I am a chicken when it comes to haircuts (see Snip, Snip, Oh Snap!). For this reason, I was shocked at my decision to go ahead and let the hair go. All of it. Gone. Sayonara Hair!

I thought that I would feel mad regret, and spend the next 12 - 24 months choking down hair vitamins, and praying for new hairs. But surprisingly, this has not happened...yet. Admittedly there are some drawbacks to short hair, and I want to innumerate them for people who are considering the change:

  1. It costs more money in the long term - Hair appointments are now every TWO weeks, when they used to be every 8 weeks. The cost of the appointment is less, but due to the increased frequency...$$$ is flying out the door. Also, there are more intermediate appointments. If you have a date, or you're going to an event that doesn't fall on your 2 week cycle, odds are you're going into the salon to spend additional dollah dollah bills.
  2. It's a LOT of work - Believe me: you've never slept this "cute" before. Let me define this phrase for you. "Sleeping cute" is when you lay your head on the pillow in such a way that your hair NEVER touches the pillow. It's very difficult, especially once you fall asleep... In any case, I've been wrapping it up the way the hairdresser told me, and sleeping as cute as possible. However, in the morning: HAVOC. It takes some getting used to.
  3. Versatility is DEAD- No more ponytails, no more combing over "in-need-of-a-relaxer" areas. You are at the mercy of the night. Did your "sleep cute" work or didn't it?
  4. Fear that it will further derail your defunct love life- As mentioned in the original Snip, Snip, OH SNAP! I have been told that my butt and my hair are my best features. So, in letting one go completely, there is a fear that it's time to trade in my heels for a fanny pack, light blue sweats, and all-white Asics, because I'se be a spinster now. Irrational? Rational? Only time will tell.
However, there are some definite pros:
  1. You learn acceptance - Since versatility is dead, there is only so much you can do. While I used to toil in the mirror for countless minutes, making myself late for work because I need my hair to "lay" just I just run my fingers through it, put some mousse on the side burns and roll. Because that's ALL I CAN DO. Sometimes, I think I can do more...there is a price for such thoughts: a bad hair day. So it's a harsh lesson, but short hair grants you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change. It's like AA but without the alcohol addiction.
  2. Spikes are now an option - Spikes are edgy. I'm not edgy. I'm actually very close to "nerd" but with spikes a new door is open. Once you've moussed it up, thrown on some sunglasses and an army-inspired seem cool. It's great.
  3. Forces you to step up everything else - Hair hides a multitude of sins. Now...I have to address those. I'll admit, I had let my ear piercings close up, I was a minimalist when it came to make-up, and I abhorred contact lenses. Now earrings, make-up and contact lenses are the staples of my "going out" look (my work look remains glasses, tinted moisturizer, and a random cardigan). And currently I'm thinking: I want to buy new clothes! Short hair makes you want to show off your femininity in other ways, and that creates fun shopping and makeover opportunities.
  4. More compliments (so maybe the fear is irrational?) - I've been getting a lot of compliments on the new hairdo, even on days when I'm pretty sure I look like a raggamuffin (definition #2 is more concise). And my roommate routinely tells me I look hot. If she's not careful, that can materialize into a Girl Crush (j/k)
In general though, for ME, it was the right choice. How long will I keep this style? I don't know. But I'm proud to know I'm not somewhere crying my eyes out over lost tresses. Holla!

1 comment:

  1. 5. Less frequent washing needed. You can either gel your hair into spikes or let nature take its course. After a few days, those spikes become a little more than just edgy.
