Saturday, August 28, 2010

Impromptu Haiku Movie Review: Takers

Revenge should be sweet
A dish served by pretty boys
This flick is sour

Takers is this summer's high-action "heist" flick. The movie follows a (gorgeous) band of thieves who--fresh off a successful bank robbery--are presented with a once-in-a-lifetime, high-stakes "job" by a less-than-trustworthy ex-con and ex-partner.

...I wish I could say more, but that's the movie in a nutshell. If I type anything else, I will have told you the ending.

The movie tries to be multi-faceted by attempting to build a strong subplot around the cops investigating the bank robbery (cops played by Matt Dillon and Jay Hernandez), but ultimately you never care about them.

 This movie sucked. I have to come right out and say that. Also, for those who like to berate me for being down on "black film" I want it to be known: this is NOT a black film. It was written and directed by John Luessenhop. Luessenhop, as you ALL know, is a common African-American surname (sarcasm). This movie just happened to star a lot of black actors. And guess what? They succeeded at ONE thing and one thing only: LOOKING HOT. See Exhibits A - D below (Chris Brown, Idris Elba, T.I., and Michael Ealy):

So, what we have here is a cast of BEAUTIFUL black men, who--admittedly--I enjoyed seeing, but I didn't enjoy watching their performance. The acting was horrific, and there were MANY scenes that simply made no sense. But WAIT, there's more! The movie also threw in two pretty hot white dudes (Hayden Christensen and Paul Walker):

So, A for eye candy, but overall, this movie was a C-.

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