Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In Other News...

I've decided that my Sunday post will resume on...umm...Sunday. In the meantime, I would like to catch you up on my life. Have you ever heard the expression "when it rains, it pours?" I feel like if you put that phrase to words (something dark and dreary, kind of like the theme of Phantom of the Opera) you would have the original score to my life. Or maybe I'm just being a complainer today.

In any case, things for me are going like this:

Personal Life

Non-existent. It's making me regret my rejection of Nice Guy. At the time that you decide to pass on someone, you have a stupid thought: "There's plenty of fish in the sea." This is false. There may be fish in the sea, but the older you get...the faster all the good ones swim by you. I mean, I'm almost like a grandma fish now. But be that as it may, I still wasn't feeling Nice Guy, so ultimately I made the right decision. But maybe I'll lead the next person on a little longer, so as to stave off rainy days like this one.


"Everyday in every way, I'm getting angrier and angrier." What if I repeated that everyday? Would I become some kind of workplace vigilante, setting right all that has gone wrong in the world of derivatives? I would see an unreconciled account, and just lash out in a fury of red ink. Oh yeah.

But for serious...the hours have been long, and the demands kind of harsh. I know what you're thinking: "the hours can't be that long; you're at home writing in your blog." Hmm...Touche.

Adult Acne

It strikes when you least expect it! Usually, my skin is pretty clear. But I think this situation was a combination of (1) work-related stress, and (2) the use of an oil-blocking powder that I FORGOT breaks me out. Oh well. In any case, it's pretty bad. I was coping. I knew in my heart that two weeks from now, this would be a thing of the past. A distant memory, but someone at work today said: "What's up with your face?!"


Wow. I mean, can we say rude? That was kind of demoralizing. But at the same time, what can I do? I guess I'll call my dermatologist tomorrow to let him know that I've lost control of the situation. Perhaps he has some emergency medication that transforms pimples into smooth skin within seconds. Something that they try to keep on lock for brides on the night before their weddings. I'm willing to slide him a twenty for the hookup...

Sigh. I feel ugly now. But: This too shall pass. C'est la vie. Tomorrow is Another Day...and all that jazz.

In Other News...

"Sasha" knows (and now so do you) that I had previously been shopping for a new BFF. Note: I like all my old BFFS, it's just that after moving to Virginia, I found myself lonely and bereft; I missed my friends terribly. They're still my friends, but they are not at hand. I would write about it at length, but WHY, when someone else has already done so? Check out this article: How to find a new best friend. I saw it on CNN and found it to be quite amusing, and quite true-to-life.

Sometimes the highs/lows and tragic disappointments of the BFF search are just as bad as the brush off from a cute guy. Well...not AS bad, but kinda comparable.

Sometimes my taste in friends is just as bad as my taste in men. I'm attracted to the WRONG type. People who will ultimately play me out and break my heart. Is it crazy not to mind that? I feel like if my heart is broken, I know that at some point it was functioning. Sometimes life is so dull and so uneventful that I wonder... I'll have those crazy moments where I think: I'm really in a coma, and my whole life is a dream. Am I the only one who has those moments?

1 comment:

  1. Remember The Zit episode of My-So Called Life, where Angela Chase got this pimple on her otherwise pristine face and spent the whole time convinced she was hideous? She says something like "it was like my face had become obliterated, and all I could see was this giant zit. It had become, like, the core of my being." And Angela's mom spent the entire episode also concerned about her face, except she was worrying about wrinkles. It's always something. All I kept thinking during that episode was "you're both so pretty. Stop obsessing." I mean, I wouldn't have even noticed their pimples or wrinkles, except that it had been the source of dialogue for the entire episode. And that's how I feel it is with real-life skin problems. No one's gonna notice your breakouts or crow's feet unless you talk about them, or spend way too much time staring at your face, like, your coworker needs to get a life. And probably some Olay.
